The Women behind the Wicked

The Women behind the Wicked

Meet the women behind the wicked! Shyanne and I(Jenna) have been best friends since 5th grade. We have lived more than 1,000 miles apart for the majority of our friendship. One way or another, no matter what is happening in our lives, we are there for each
Other. Shyanne started practicing her craft first and really embraced it and counted on it through life’s challenges. She had two beautiful and amazing boys and a partner she can always count on. Myself; sadly single and no kids yet, just lots of cats 😂I found it to be a safe haven when everything else around me was unpredictable. I have been through some from relationships but ones that have taught me what not to settle for and how to love myself. We have always been super close but recently our love for the occult, witchy and spiritual has brought us even closer. We want to share our knowledge and experiences with you. Join us in our journey of witchcraft, spirituality, women’s empowerment, mental health and CHD3 research. We’d love to hear from you. Also, buy our shit. You won’t regret it.
Store owner Shyanne
Co-Ownerlong time best friends
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